How to be a finisher at work

Here’s how to become known as a “finisher” at work:

  • Take ownership. Most people play “hot potato” with important work, so that they have someone else to blame if a project fails. Not you. Find an important task and own the outcome.
  • Get dirty. Forget about looking good in front of others or “making it look easy”. It’s OK to sweat, and it’s OK if other people know you are working your ass off.
  • Forget the fluff. Don’t get hung up on every last detail involved with a project. Identify the big thing that needs to get done. Focus on that and forget the rest.
  • Hold focus until the end. So many folks put in most of the hard work and then let up at the very end. What a waste. No breathing deep until the task at hand is 100% complete. After that… party like its 1999!